"The future starts TODAY, not tomorrow!"

-Pope John Paul II

About Us

"As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live." - Pope John Paul II

The Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Movement is a non-profit organization, under the leadership of the Catholic Church. Its aim is to teach youths to be virtuous people and good Christians. It also offers apostolate services for the youth. Throughout its years of service, the Movement has kept pace with social and cultural changes of the day in an attempt to reach out to the youth of all times.

The Eucharistic Youth Movement has two general purposes:

  • 1. To educate and to train youths in becoming a better person as well as an excellent Christian.
  • 2. To organize and to guide all youths in spreading the Good News of the Gospel and to actively be involved in working for the good of society through charitable services and helping others.

Liên Đoàn Gioan Phaolô II is fully united in VEYM's purpose and mission. Our first chapters were formed in the early 1980s. Since then, we have grown to 20 Chapters and over 2500 members throughout the region. Our Chaplains, Assistant Chaplains, and Youth Leaders continue working tirelessly to form our youths.

Hội Đồng Liên Đoàn!

November 9, 2024 (Chicago, IL)

Announcement (English): Download English

Announcement (Vietnamese): Download Vietnamese

Register Here: Sign up Link

Our Chapters

We are a proud family of 20 chapters

Đồng Hành

Franklin WI

Sao Biển

Chicago IL

Anrê Dũng Lạc

Grand Rapids MI

Chúa Cứu Thế

Louisville KY

Chúa Thăng Thiên

St. Louis MO

Kitô Vua

Wichita KS

Maria Nữ Vương

Lincoln NE

Phaolô Hạnh

Des Moines IA


Lansing MI

Thánh Giuse

Minneapolis MN

Tôma Thiện

St. Paul MN

Thánh Tâm

Cincinnati OH

Kitô Vua

Wheat Ridge CO

Anrê Dũng Lạc

Des Moines IA

Nguồn Sống

Glen Ellyn IL

Anrê Dũng Lạc

Kansas City MO

Anrê Dũng Lạc

Lincoln NE

Phaolô Bường

St. Paul MN

Anrê Phú Yên

Dayton OH

Đaminh Saviô

Omaha NE

Ban Chấp Hành Liên Đoàn Gioan Phaolô II


Cha Tuyên Uý Liên Đoàn

L.m. Giuse Trần Công Bằng, SVD



Liên Đoàn Trưởng

Tr. Maria Nguyễn Như Thùy Vân



Phó Quản Trị

Tr. Giuse Martinô Trần Hữu Phát


Phó Nghiên Huấn

Tr. Annê Phan Hồng Phùng Hạ



Thủ Quỹ

Tr. Phêrô Phương Minh Trần


Thư Ký

Tr. Theresa-Maria Hiền Nguyễn-Phạm
